

1. My school table. As clean and organized as usual.
2. My beautiful friend Siiri.
3. In our classroom there´s a shelf full of fashion magazines from different countries since the 80´s. I think I grapped this page from an old Vogue.
4. My beautiful friend Senna (who´s fringe I braided).
5. Some of my makeup things and a makeup plan for a day-makeup. I still study fashion but I have some makeup and hair lessons as part of my stylist courses.


Recent finds.

I actually thought I could go treasure hunting to a secondhand market with Natalia without buying anything. You might have already realised how that worked out.

There were two old ladies selling jewelry and accessories that they had been collecting since the 60's. We couldn't help but wonder why someone would want to sell away beautiful things that they had been collecting for years.


Photo treasures pt. 1

1. At a café.
2. Friend's bday party preparation.
3. Drinks at Amarillo.
4. Samsoe samsoe shoes.
5. and 6. My bday in June.